Wednesday, March 18, 2009

PA: Justification (second time)

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, NY

In 1943, Frank Lloyd Wright was commissioned to design a building to house the Museum of Non-Objective Painting. Wright's concrete, urban, inverted-ziggurat design (shaped roughly like a teacup or an upside down terraced hill) was not built until 1959. The museum was immediately recognized as an architectural landmark, one of the most unique buildings in New York City, and arguably the most important building of Wright's late career. The site currently contains over 700 artworks by nearly 300 artists from the Guggenheim’s overall permanent collection of over 7,000 artworks. A monument to modernism, the unique architecture of the space, with its spiral ramp riding to a domed skylight, continues to thrill visitors and provide a unique forum for the presentation of contemporary art. In December of 2008, I went to New York City for the first time and remember walking down Fifth Avenue and seeing the Guggenheim Museum. It was so distinct because it is nothing like its surrounding, more urban, skyscrapers. I was immediately attracted to it and found it extremely interesting. Every aspect of the building makes me want to learn more about it through my Precedent Analysis project.

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